Our Fort Collins, CO Neighborhood
We are a kind, respectful, inclusive neighborhood, working together to build community and reduce our ecological footprint.
Volunteer Opportunities
TGP Library: The Toy, Game, and Puzzle Library (located in the Foothills Mall) is always looking for donations and volunteers.
FoCo Trash Mob: Earth Day 2024 has passed, but the FOCO trash mob is still at it. If you’d like to help, please let them know: FoCo Trash Mob.
Book Club: You can sign up for our book club by clicking here.
Veggie Share: Please put any extra veggies from your garden in a bag or box and leave them by your mailbox for others to pick up.
Neighborhood Activities: If you’d like to help with organizing a neighborhood event, please let us know and we can help you with marketing and logistics. If you know of a new neighbor moving into Parkwood East, please email Mary so that a member of our leadership team can drop off a welcome packet.
Thank You!
Thank you to Ann Cinnabro for organizing the field trips to the Eco Fest and Home Electrification Workshop. Thanks to Ann, Mary H., Morgan, Meghan, and the Ewerts for helping with the bike safety fair, and especially to Lauren and Erik from FC Moves. Thanks to Ryan for hauling the Hard to Recycle items to Boulder. We will have another drop off in September or October, so keep saving your clam shells! Thanks to Elena and Alan for hosting the Friday Afternoon Gathering. Thanks to Erica Roesch for keeping our book club organized. Thanks to Morgan for posting our garage sale on Craig’s List, and to Ryan for getting our garage sale sign made. Thank you to Katherine McQueen for creating our mailbox signs, and to Dug Steen for maintaining the PE website.
Upcoming Events
Please check the book club app at https://bookclubs.com/clubs/5967157/join/394aad for books, locations and updates.
Fort Collins, CO 80525 United States
Please bring a chair and a beverage for you, and a snack to share.
Fort Collins, CO 80525 United States
Put items in tubs on porch. Please refer to flyer for items that will be accepted.
Fort Collins, CO 80525 United States
Please bring a chair, beverage, and a chili to compete or you can show up to be a judge. Canned food and donations will be collected for the Food Bank. […]
Who We Are
Meet us better
Our Neighborhood in Numbers
events monthly
3 years
in the Sustainable Neighborhoods Program
friendly neighbors 😁
How To Get Involved
Do you live in the neighborhood and want to join in on the fun?
You can…
- Show up for an event.
- Organize or host an event.
- Greet a new neighbor.
- and more…